Never Never Town is a joyful and colourful exhibition for children and their adults.

A ship’s horn is sounding, a seagull glides over the market, the air smells of bread and the salty sea. There is something very familiar about Never Never Town. Hmm, I think it’s the cosy sea town of Kotka! But everything seems strange somehow. The streets, houses, benches and even toilet bowls are all the wrong size, and city blocks have turned backwards – at least in adults’ opinion.

In this exhibition at the Kymenlaakso Museum, the whole family can play in a city where the sun always shines and clouds are white and fluffy. In Never Never Town, you can build colourful houses, visit a neighbour, lay on the moss hummocks of the local forest or sit down for a posso pastry and coffee at the market square. Just like adults do in a real city. The exhibition also has a super fun slide!

Never Never Town is full of games, memories and experiences for children of today and yesterday. So catch a bus and get off at the Never Never Town stop (which is not completely ordinary either). The market square, shops, sports field, shopping centre, port, sea, city blocks, suburbs, detached houses, blocks of flats, school and local forest. A huge number of blocks of all kinds have been used to build Never Never Town where everybody can play and adventure together in harmony.

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